Experimentalia is a group of Burners based largely in the Francophone part of Switzerland (and increasingly beyond!). What that means is we exist to create connections between people who are interested in events/ art/ community based on a set of 11 principles.
In particular we hold an annual event, called the “Feu au Lac“, generally in the summertime, where we bring together like minded people for a co-created adventure. We also meet once a month in Geneva (and sometimes more often) to socialise and plan.
But why? Well, it’s fun. It’s also a community of generally creative, open-minded folks and we like meeting more of each other, and this helps us do so. And we just generally think this end of Switzerland could do with a little more weird. Sound like your kind of thing? Come find us.

The Principles below are largely taken from the Burning Man principles. Burning Man was the first burner group, and holds an event which takes place annually in Black Rock City in the USA. Nowhere, the largest European burner event, also has a nice breakdown of these principles. The symbols below come from the lovely artist James Wickham, and are used under a Creative Commons licence.

Below are two principles we consider important, even if they are not part of the original 11.